Enter the dreams of Escape

Discover a collection of poems that defy the trend of instant gratification. Each fantasy poem is crafted with care, challenging you to linger and discover its layers. #Poetry #FantasyLiterature


A poetic tale of magic, ambition and its consequences. Four powerful courtiers use their magic to summon a perfect golden man, pouring their dreams and desires into him. But of course, their aims secretly conflict against each other and within this being of ultimate power!

The Golden Man

In an era of instant gratification and fleeting attention spans, I decided to defy the trend by offering something with both greater length and depth.

The poems in this collection were crafted over an extended period for various purposes. They are diverse yet uniformly lengthy and challenging. Each poem posed a personal challenge to maintain high-quality writing over a long duration within strict formal constraints while still telling a compelling story. They also challenge the reader to escape the constant rush of daily life, to slow down, and take the time to truly absorb the content.

Such effort deserves a reward. These poems are not meant to be a quick fix. If readers invest their time and effort, they should reap the benefits through ongoing contemplation or by revisiting and discovering new insights with each reading. My final challenge was to provide this depth of content – ensuring it offers more than just quantity.

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