Daily Poetry

Each day holds a new dream, a new emotion, and a new perspective in “A Spring of Dreams.” Join Scott Andrew Bailey on a poetic journey that spans a year and encapsulates the essence of life’s varied experiences. #PoetryForLife

Three hundred and sixty-five poems in all shapes and sizes, sprung from dreams and emotion. Published day after day for a year. There are haiku, sonnets, katauta, lanturnes and many other forms – including free form. The moods are as varied as the forms and often reflect my mood on the day. There is sadness and grief, joy and love.

If nothing else – these can provide a small moment in everyone’s stressful lives to stop and contemplate the world in a different way.

What We’re Fed

By Scott Bailey © 2018

We have reached the point
Where the genuine
Is ridiculed out of fear
So accustomed to lies
They have become
Our staple

Image from Pixabay

In response to my daily prompt Genuine

#DailyPrompt, #amwriting, #postaday

Scott’s Daily Prompt 31/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Odd couple

Does a messy home (or office) make you anxious and cranky, or is cleaning something you just do before company comes over?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 30/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Five a day

You’ve being exiled to a private island, and your captors will only supply you with five foods. What do you pick?

Trading spaces

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Trading spaces

To be another
Would it bring wisdom
Or confusion
Would it destroy
Our sense of selves
Or broaden it
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 29/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Trading spaces

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day? What do you think life would be like?


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Happy Happy joy joy

Tears of joy 
They warmed my cheeks
When you first smiled at me
My son
These days
Teardrops are frozen 
With a thousand
Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

Judgement Day

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Judgement Day

Today's leaders
Don't fear Judgement 
They know
There will be 
No one left to judge

Photo by Viridiana Ortiz on Pexels.com


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Deja Vu

History repeats
Only more intense
It's not a cycle
It's a spiral
Down to doom
Photo by Francesco Paggiaro on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 28/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Happy happy joy joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 27/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Judgment day

If you were to judge your favorite book by its cover, would you still read it?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 26/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Déjà vu

Have you ever truly felt déjà vu, the sensation that you’ve already had the experience you’re currently having?

A Dream I have

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Idyllic

A well kept garden
A hidden nook at the edge
By a stream
Overlooking a valley
I sit and write
It is a dream I have
Fishing hut on the River Teviot by Oliver Dixon is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0


By Scott Bailey © 2013


He would never see his son again.


Unless he went made it through today. Found the strength from somewhere. Put aside his pain.

The trauma his son had suffered had not been at his hands. Logically there was no responsibility for it on his shoulders.

Logic was a weak fence against raw emotion. Emotion that told him that he had failed as a father, that the protection he was supposed to give had been lacking, just that once.

Nobody agreed with him.

That made no difference.

So, he would not compound failure with failure. This was his last chance. He would take it.

He had tried all other avenues. Therapy, prayer, medication. Nothing worked, Yet what it had done was show him the way. It had made clear the path he needed to tread.

So he took a deep breath and rose from his seat. He nodded to the doctor signalling his readiness. The doctor frowned but kept his piece. He opened the door and let him enter his son’s room.

The room was sparse, clinical. His son lay curled on top of the bedsheets, motionless. Awake but unresponsive. He did not look up or acknowledge his father’s entrance.

There was a small bedside table to the left of the bed on which sat a plastic beaker of water. The bed was positioned by the window. Sunlight tried to make an impression on the coldness of the room but failed. The only other furniture was a white chest of drawers and some empty white bookshelves.

Then there were the books.

The books, many many books, that should have rested on the shelves or strewn on the floor. An impressive collection for one so young.

They hung impossibly in the air.

He sighed. He knew what came next. It had all become familiar to him. This time though he did not avoid it. He did not flinch or try to defend himself. This time he smiled at his son.

The books flew at him. As if thrown by immense strength and anger. The hard spines whacked into his flesh like dull nails. Again and again and again. Raining pain upon his body. The books that hit him fell to the ground limply, twitched like dying flies, then were suddenly whisked up and flung again.

There was no let-up.

He could feel his body being pummelled into a bloody bruised mess. But he took it. Stood calmly, raised his arms towards his son and kept smiling. Gave all he had left to him – gave him his unconditional love. Took the punishment not meant for him.

The books whirled faster as the rage grew. Like a tornado of leather and card, they descended on him, pounded him. The pain passed over what was bearable to no longer being processable – so he no longer felt it. He knew he would not last much longer – if this continued his body would fail him. Darkness crept inwards along the edges of his eyes. He kept smiling, locked his legs and stood, arms out.

The whirl became a darkness that was trying to beat his flesh from his bones. He felt like the bones themselves were splintering beneath.

Then it stopped.

Suddenly all the books fell to the floor. Sunlight sprang into the room as if a lock had burst.

His son looked up and held out his arms for his father.

Photo by Kindel Media on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 25/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Idyllic

What does your ideal community look like? How is it organized, and how is community life structured? What values does the community share?


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Competition

And myself
These are my competitors
When did the stats
Creep in?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 24/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Competition

What activity, task, or game most brings out your competitive streak?


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Local flavour

Here my roots are deep
I am nourished
I can reach out to the world
I don't need to go there

Scott’s Daily Prompt 23/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Local flavor

Write a piece about a typically “local” experience from where you come from as though it’s an entry in a travel guide.


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Stranded

All alone
Stranger in a strange land
But alive
Next step
Taken in fear?
Or as a chance
To start again
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 22/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Stranded

You’re stranded in a foreign city for a day with no money and no friends. Where do you go; what do you do?

Swords and Bows and Lore

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Bedtime Stories

Swords and bows
Chivalry and Justice
Robbing to rich
To pay the poor
King’s who were not above the law
And magic
Ancient lore
These were the stories
That filled my head before bed
What happened to those times?
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 21/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Bedtime stories

What was your favorite book as a child? Did it influence the person you are now?

In the night

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, INTJ

I like to walk
Late at night
In peaceful darkness
Treading by starlight
Comforted by silence
Secured by solitude and peace
The parties are overrated
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Menagerie

Life these days
Sometimes it seems
Those who profess
To lead our countries
Are nothing but a menagerie of animals

But animals do not seek war
Or wealth
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Impossible

Life these days
Seems impossible
We have to remember
These obstacles
These weights and walls
Were made by us
We just have to find the strength
To remove them
Photo by Martin Lopez on Pexels.com

Bone of Contention

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Bone of Contention

You fly the yellow and blue flag
You welcome them with open arms
This is all good
It is the least we can do
But you
Left children to drown in terror
Because they did not look like us

Their bones
Will contend you
Photo by Gerhard Lipold on Pexels.com

Show and Tell

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Show and Tell

It is time
Words are not the measure 
Of your worth
Show us
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Comfort Zone

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Comfort Zone

Fires rage
But not here
Bombs fall
But not here
People starve
But not here
Only when this comfort zone
Is breached
Will we really act
But our ability to do so
Will be inadeqaute
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


By Scott Bailey © 2017

No goals
No direction
No chains
Just reflection
Sparkling stars
Burning sun
Gentle waves
Life undone

Image from Pixabay

Scott’s Daily Prompt 20/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. INTJ

Do parties and crowds fill you with energy, or send you scurrying for peace and quiet?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 19/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Menagerie

Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

Always Descending

By Scott Bailey © 2017

Always descending, never ascending.
Moving downwards, moving down.
I can’t get used to this feeling
Moving downwards, moving down.
Is it really like this? What are we doing?
Do we really want this?
Is this the thing to be?
The chains that pull the valves and the levers,
That drive the steam through pipes of dreams.

Dream worlds falling, morning calling,
Pull the chains on, shoulder the yoke.
Down to business. Down to labour.
Moving downwards, moving down.
I don’t like this, what am I doing?
I don’t really want this, what is to be?
Enter the shaft that takes us downwards.
The light is dimming as our dreams descend

Photo by Anjeliica on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 18/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Impossible

“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” – the White Queen, Alice in Wonderland.
What are the six impossible things you believe in? (If you can only manage one or two, that’s also okay.)

Scott’s Daily Prompt 17/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Bone of contention

Pick a contentious issue about which you care deeply — it could be the same-sex marriage debate, or just a disagreement you’re having with a friend. Write a post defending the opposite position, and then reflect on what it was like to do that.


By Scott Bailey © 2017

Calm your qualms
It’s all change
It’s all good
The trembling

Photo by Gugulethu Ndlalani on Pexels.com

Scott’s Daily Prompt 16/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Show and tell

You’ve been asked to do a five-minute presentation to a group of young schoolchildren on the topic of your choice. Describe your presentation.

Scott’s Daily Prompt 15/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Comfort zone

What are you more comfortable with — routine and planning, or laissez-faire spontaneity?


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, 180 Degrees

Are vilified
For their U-turns
I admire those
Who can admit they are wrong
And stay to deal
With the consequences
Photo by Zachary Kyra-Derksen on Unsplash

Scott’s Daily Prompt 14/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. 180 degrees

Tell us about a time you did a 180 — changed your views on something, reversed a decision, or acted in a way you ordinarily don’t.

The Dragon

In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Silver screen

Look into the eyes of the dragon and despair.
The beast is released.
They thought it tame
Thought it was a game
It's free
And they will pay the consequences
Of their fear
Image from Pixabay

The quote, the first line of the poem, is from my favourite film, Excalibur by John Boorman, spoken by Merlin.

Nicole Willamson as Merlin

Scott’s Daily Prompt 13/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Silver screen

Take a quote from your favorite movie — there’s the title of
your post. Now, write!


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Erasure

There are days
We wish to erase
But would we be the same
Without the pain
Without the shame


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Ghostwriter

I don't need a ghostwriter
I need a ghostwriter
I need someone
To live my life
While I write

Scott’s Daily Prompt 12/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Erasure

You have the choice to erase one incident from your past, as though it never happened. What would you erase and why?

Scott’s Daily Prompt 11/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Ghostwriter

If you could have any author –living or dead – write your biography, who would you choose?


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, Playlist

The story of the impossible
	The impossible climb
Save the last dance for me
	While the world burns around us
I’m a believer
	But I cannot believe what I see
Walk away
	Never really a choice
Nights in white satin
	But no knights to defend
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Ignoring the suggestion again and instead, I am taking the first five random songs from a mix that my music player gave me – which is a mix of my own chosen songs and others it suggests I might like. So the five titles I interspersed with my thoughts.

Scott’s Daily Prompt 10/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. Playlist of the week

Tell us how your week went by putting together a playlist of five songs that represent it.


In response to Scott’s Daily Prompt, VIP

My wife
My life
My every breath

Until death

This is the way
We need more today

Scott’s Daily Prompt 09/03/2022

Today’s prompt is. VIP

Who’s the most important person in your life — and how would your day-to-day existence be different without them?