The Ripple Effect

By Scott Bailey © 2006

Six flashes of gold beneath the mirrored air.
Ripples reach out to my feet.
Blurred images pass here and there.
Their intrusion indiscreet.

The casters of these images,
against their prison rail.
Disgust contorts their visages.
Behind a lacy veil.

What is true they scorn and spurn.
Blurred figures in a shaky land.
To look up! They will never learn.
And see the clear truth at hand.

Image from Pixabay

The Piranha

By Scott Bailey © 2002

The flesh-eating Piranha fish
Is not as rare as you think
Much more common than one would wish
The flesh-eating piranha fish
Beware, you may be their next dish
If into the water you sink
The flesh-eating piranha fish
Is not as rare as you think

Image from Pixabay

Goodbye Goldie

So we have just had one of the wettest weekends we have seen for ages – and of course it was a bank holiday. But we were determined to have fun and relax. Especially after I had a day of total crisis at work – the stress after-shocks of which I am still feeling.

Anyway, we still had our days out. Firstly we took the boys for along the river in Sandwich. Alexander had the rare chance to get on his scooter and scoot free. They both loved it. Unfortunately the fun was cut short when Alexander got badly stung by a stinging nettle. It only brushed him but his whole arm blistered – leading us to wonder if he has an allergy to then? Thankfully it went down again very quickly.

The next day we went to a steam rally. This was a mix of old steam engines, vintage cars and  – the only thing that interested the boys – fun fair rides. We were treated to the sight of Alexander and his little brother enjoying something together for once. L just looked up at him with a look of sheer pleasure and joy as they went around and around on the mini roundabout.

Maybe I am getting old but after paying to get in, paying for three or four rides and having a hot dog each for dinner we burnt through £50! What happened to cheap days out?

Then it chucked it down – we got out just in time. So we went around to visit Nanny Jean and Grandad Maurice. This was L’s first visit to any of our relatives – most have now met him but at our house. Nanny has a new large tropical fish tank which they were both entranced by.

The forecast for the next day was again for heavy rain. Once again were up early – relatively – and ready to go. I found us something to do but I knew if I said what it was it was unlikely to appeal to Rachel. So I declared it a mystery tour. I reasoned that the best place in the abysmal weather would be underground. So we went to Chislehurst Caves. And we had a fantastic time there – reminded us of our Holiday at Wookey Hole a few years ago. L was wide-eyed with wonder all the way through and Alexander thought it was a great adventure.

So it was back to work today and back to reality. Now have the extra project of seeking out a new hosting partner for our web app. The day was further spoilt by the loss of one of Alexander’s goldfish – Goldie. He was very brave about it, Helped me fish her out and bury her. He insisted he wanted a “cemerony” and made up his own prayer – which went like this.

“Oh God! My goldfish is dead. Amen!”

Short and to the point I suppose. I think we will get the reverberations of this in a few days when it sinks in more.

But overall it was a good weekend.

Poem a day challenge #273 (The Deep Cold)

The Deep Cold

By Scott Bailey © 2014

Disappearing into the gloom
Undulating side to side
Alien but of this earth
Slow, cold life
In the deep deep dark
So far from the hearth we know
The strange eel like creature
Eases in the deepest cold
Leaving divers dumb

Get the previous ones here  and get my début novel Mankind Limited

Poem a day challenge #153 (Dreaming)


By Scott Bailey © 2013

Tiny starbursts
The peak on tiny waves
Deep green over yellow
Swaying weeds
Dappled stones
Dark fish darting
The scent of rich water
And reeds
Time to watch
The life I crave
Work, bills, sleep, stress

Get the previous ones here  and get my début novel Mankind Limited

Fish and Words at last.

Apart from housework and shopping (normal service) two things happened today that I have been trying to get done.

Firstly Alexander’s fish tank was finally ready. So by the skin of our teeth we just got in before the pet shop closed and got him two fish. Two fantails one a mottled tabby cat kind of colour, the other orange like a traditional gold fish. They appear settled in the tank. Alexander has named them Bill and Bob.

Secondly, I actually got to do some creative writing at last. Writing a draft of a small fairy tale (which is told inside my novel). The original version in the book is very short and not very good. So I am rewriting independent of the main book and will re insert it. There are several more in the book and I will do the same with them. Once these are done I will consider the book finally finished. Then …. Self publishing beckons.

Fishing… Sort of.

Today was spent mainly going around aquariums to decide what fish Alexander will put in his tank. Then we came home and Alexander and I played for ages with his animals and dinosaurs. Was exceptionally well behaved even getting himself ready for bed. He was also very cuddly. But has been coughing since he went to bed so very unsettled.

Back to work for me tomorrow.

Easter Fun and Brogdale

Oops. Forgot about the clocks going forward until about mid morning. Consequently we did not get out of the house until gone 12:00.

As everywhere else was closed we decided to go to Brogdale farm. Had never been there before despite it being just down the road. It’s much better than I thought – there some very interesting shops there.  Proper butchers and bakers. We also got some organic beer. Nice. Drinking some now.

The restaurant was another story – very very slow service. Not enough staff working.

Alexander petted some animal including some rabbits mice and a ferret. He also feed some lambs with a bottle. He made some friends again and it was difficult to drag him away as they were going the opposite way around.

When we went to the butchers and brought some lamb Alexander began to put two and two together. We were honest and told him (not all the gory details but that meat came from animals) but he couldn’t accept that in his mind. He wasn’t upset he just decided that the lamb in the butchers was from pretend lambs not real. We didn’t press it any further.

We bumped into Marie, John and Rhys who had by coincidence gone there, they had intended to go to Leeds Castle but couldn’t find their tickets.

There was also a miniature train there which Rachel and Alexander had a ride on.

We came home and after a quick nap on the sofa (and some chocolate) Alexander and I set up the fish tank. He was very good and helpful with that. Just got to let it cycle now and add some treatments over the next few days. Looking forward to going out and choosing the fish with him.

Flying Kites in the Snow

Being determined to make the most of the four days off 🙂 we got up early. This was lucky as my mum and dad popped around with Easter eggs. This was a good start to the day! Chocolate!

We then went over to the Preston Easter Fair. This turned out to be a couple of stalls in a village hall and a bouncy castle that could have fitted in our back garden. And our back garden is tiny. Let’s put it this way, three three years olds was too much for it.

But don’t get me wrong – it was great – we actually really liked it. And Alexander befriended three older boys playing football who let him join in really nicely and gave him loads of encouragement. He was in heaven. Then we got his kite out – despite the fact it had started to snow. Two other boys about his age came out to join with that and he played really nicely with – all taking turns to fly the kite – which flew very well considering it was very cheap.

After a quick hot dog and burger we headed over to Westwood cross to look at his birthday present. This was a week early but we needed to get it this weekend. It is a fish tank and we need to set it up and let it settle before we get the fish on his birthday.

As we are probably tied up that weekend he also had another part of his present early – which was his first ever trip to the cinema. We saw the Croods -he loved it – even though he was hiding behind the seats for some bits. We treated ourselves to dinner out and when we got back to the car he excitedly told the car the full plot of the film in minute detail. He’s never spoken to the car before  – I think he was just so excited he had to tell somebody.

By the time we got home he was one tired but happy little boy.