
By Scott Bailey © 2015

I was born in fire
In the fiercest whitest heart
I was flung in dying throes
Out into the dark

And through the dark I travelled
Over time you cannot dream
You cannot comprehend
The scales of things I’ve seen

The birth of stars from dust
From cold to burning fire
And then to bloated giants
And back to dust again

The start that swirl together
In hordes you will never count
Swallowed into nothing
Never to get out

Bright white young ones burning
Fast and bright and blue
Until they burst with energy
Too bright for me and you

And clouds like angels wings
Or swirling demons eyes
And flighty comets dying
With sparkling icy cries

All this and much much more
I cannot tell you all
Many many of your lives
Would pass before my tale

But now my time is dwindling
Now my tale must die
I have reached my end
I have reached your eye

Image from Pixabay

A few days off

Having finished National Poetry Writing Month and it being a bank holiday weekend I decided to take a few days off from blogging. And boy does it show. Stats have dropped to zilch, nada, a big fat zero.

But hey – it’s not about the stats – however much I obsess over them. Honest. I am doing this to try to stretch my writing muscles, build my confidence and build a join a community of friendly like-minded people. I have certainly done that.

But I am not taking on any more daily challenges. I will still try to post but on a less regular frequency now. And it will be more of a mix of writing and journal entries hopefully.

I am going to spend some more time on the relaunch of my book and the launch of my second (very different) one. So watch this space.

But talking of journalling  and the bank holiday weekend.

We took the opportunity to get out and about this weekend. We left chores and work and all other plans to one side and had some quality family time. It had to be done on a tight budget but we had a good time. We spent one day in a park, trying to find and photograph as many wild birds and flowers as we could. Didn’t really see many wild birds. Saw quite a few flowers (have no idea what any of them are) and on the trip back we also saw a mangy looking fox roaming the town in broad daylight! The park also had a play ground with a giant slide and a secret tunnel. They boys were in their element – as well as many fallen branches and sticks as could be carried.

Our eldest is obsessed with Minecraft at the moment and decided he was going to collect enough wood to make himself a real life crafting table.

The next day we managed to fond cheap tickets to go and see Home – which I can really recommend for younger kids. They loved it. We then spent the rest of the day down the sea front. The day after was also spent at a fair by the sea.

So it’s been an outside in the sun and wind weekend, and I think it has done us good.

Here’s a few shots from the weekend.


NaPoWriMo Day #4

Today’s prompt. Love poems are a staple of the poetry scene. It’s pretty hard to be a poet and not write a few – or a dozen – or maybe six books’ worth. But because so many love poems have been written, there are lots of clichés. Fill your poems with robins and hearts and flowers, and you’ll sound more like a greeting card than a bard. So today, I challenge you to write a “loveless” love poem. Don’t use the word love! And avoid the flowers and rainbows.

Only for You

By Scott Bailey © 2015


Only for you
Do I shoulder the collar
I pull the plough and furrow

Only for you
Do I labour all day
To bring the bread and water

Only for you
Do I toil my days
Until my limbs are broken

Only for you
Do I endure the whip
The cursing and the shouting

I could roam free
Over hill and dale
Run through deep green grass

And let the wind blow
Through my mane
And drink fresh mountain tarns

I could follow my dreams
Into the clouds
And fly with birds on high

But I curb my dreams
Relent freedoms sweetness
Shrug the reins back on

But only for you
Only for you


NaPoWriMo Day #3

I have been loosely following the prompts on today’s was fourteeners.  I can’t guarantee I will stick to the prompts though. I’ll probably wander off on my own path at some point.


By Scott Bailey © 2015


Oh, give me time, oh, give me time, give me time in my life
So I can dream and I can find an escape from this strife
So I can soar in the sky where only freedom abounds
Where we can dare to be ourselves and death does not his rounds

But these are dreams that slip away, drained by vampire bites
So we watch everyday as they fade like spent candle lights
Sucked away by the days and by the burdens of our lives
Yet in this turmoil of life is where most creation thrives

So, give me time, oh, give me time, give me time in my life

NaPoWriMo Day #2



By Scott Bailey © 2015


I was born in fire
In the fiercest whitest heart
I was flung in dying throes
Out into the dark

And through the dark I travelled
Over time you cannot dream
You cannot comprehend
The scales of things I’ve seen

The birth of stars from dust
From cold to burning fire
And then to bloated giants
And back to dust again

The start that swirl together
In hordes you will never count
Swallowed into nothing
Never to get out

Bright white young ones burning
Fast and bright and blue
Until they burst with energy
Too bright for me and you

And clouds like angels wings
Or swirling demons eyes
And flighty comets dying
With sparkling icy cries

All this and much much more
I cannot tell you all
Many many of your lives
Would pass before my tale

But now my time is dwindling
Now my tale must die
I have reached my end
I have reached your eye



NaPoWriMo Day #1

Well that started spectacularly bad.

I was so ill yesterday I didn’t get to post my poem. But I did write it in my head.

So this is yesterdays – today’s I will try to post later.


By Scott Bailey © 2015

There once was a grouchy poet

If happy, he sure didn’t show it.

A dragon was curled

Around his whole world

Fire above and fire below it.
